Our 4 bay carriage house contains all the leftovers from a less than organized effort to hurriedly finish renovations and unpacking, while I was on partial bedrest during my pregnancy with Annemarie. We shoved the last of the piles we couldn't get to in the carriage house, a little over a year ago while I was in labor. It's a massive project we can't even think about tackling, for wisdom's sake, until the seasonal back to school and post holiday projects we're still fully engaged in are behind us. Since the carriage house is probably where the blue plastic Little Tikes baby swing that our first 8 babies enjoyed, I spent some of the birthday money Nana and Pa lovingly sent to our chubby baby on this pretty swing I found downtown. Now the newest munchkin discipline issue at our casa is quarreling over whose turn it is to push her in that awesome swing.
Are we blessed that our babies can play outside almost all winter in Texas or what? Abbie and I actually got a bit of a sunburn the past 2 days that were unseasonably in the high 60's. God is good to this 'reared in south Texas warm weather' mama of many, who needs sunlight to grow :) .