Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sweeter than strawberry pie

Chace: For my time off last weekend, I stumbled across this precious song by JJ Heller that speaks the gratitude of my heart so clearly, for this sweet little gift the Lord has entrusted into our care. Now the children love to sing it to their darling little sister, whenever she's fussy or sad. She immediately calms down as they sing 'her song':

When I hold you, in my arms, love
Somethin' changes
It's the strangest feelin'
The things that used to matter
They don't matter to me.

When I see you
And you're smilin'
How my heart aches
So full it is about to break
You make
me believe in love

I could never count all the ways
that you change me, baby
Every day the sky
Is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you

When I hear you and you're crying
It resonates, dear,
in a place I didn't know was there
You make me believe in love

Beautiful baby
You're sweeter than strawberry pie
Just like the mornin'
Your smile brings sunshine

Introducing Annemarie Carolyn

This 6 month old baby girl, our 9th child, is officially a lump of sugar,  We are in awe that we GET to live life with her smile-y, ticklish, lovely little self. We were so grateful to those who prayed over her with us last Monday night, as we gathered in our home to celebrate her unique destiny.
she almost got too chubby to wear this old fashioned christening dress that Abbie's godmother hand beaded 17 years ago...the buttons almost wouldn't close around her fat yiddle wrists!
our worship band: Abbie and Emma's harmonies, CJ Ruiz on guitar, and Jackson on  the drum..."He loves us! Oh, how He loves us!"
Daddy let her teethe on his clean finger when she got fussy, as the men prayed over her
Annemarie's spiritual auntie, Tia Pam Ruiz, and sweet Lucas, with her sisters Ruby and Libby on the left
big bro Jackson adores her
Ann-Marie Heilman, our dear friend, and one of the godly women who inspired her name
Marie Verkler holding her, another precious friend and virtuous woman we wanted to honor when we chose her name